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Avoiding Bankruptcy Stay Violations: An Update

Posted on by Neil E. McCullagh in Creditors' Rights, Bankruptcy and Insolvency

Introduction In 2021, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that a creditor did not violate the automatic stay in bankruptcy when it refused to surrender vehicles after the owners filed Chapter 13 bankruptcy c...

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The Deadline is Here: Is Your Business Required to Register with RetirePath?

Posted on by Sam Serra Cerchio in Corporate and Business, Employment Law

February 15, 2024 is the deadline for eligible employers to register with RetirePath Virginia, a state-sponsored retirement savings program for private-sector employees. If your business has fewer tha...

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New Reporting Requirements May Affect Your Business: An Overview of the Corporate Transparency Act

Posted on by Sam Serra Cerchio in Corporate and Business

Beginning on January 1, 2024, most businesses in the United States are subject to an important new federal reporting requirement. The Corporate Transparency Act (“CTA”) requires companies to report in...

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